Many wise quotes have been reused throughout the generations of people. Quotes are nothing more than words people have spoken a in the past, a historic document preserved in written form after being transferred from the verbal form that the “author” of the quote spoke. Many quotes honestly have the exact same meanings, just in different phrasings or words. For example, if you copy and paste the quote online, you will find multiple websites with the same quote, or a similar quote with the same meaning. However, it’s quite rare to actually find the person who wrote this quote. This quote is another repetition of something quite commonly told by people all over the world, sometimes passed from teachers from students, or the elderly to the young. It’s a sort of motto passed from generations long ago, a motto a wise man lives by. Sure, the quote may be small, but the meaning of the quote is deep and can be interpreted in many ways. The first part of the quote says “Don’t be afraid to fail.” I can almost guarantee that 99.9% of people who will ever read this entry would have already heard this quote previously before, weather it be from a website, TV show, media, or someone in person, I’m sure they have heard a variation of this quote. Basically, the quote means to not be afraid. Who cares if you fail, you shouldn’t be afraid to try in the first place. Everything you do has a chance of failing. When I post this blog entry, there is a chance of me failing. When I submit my science project idea, there is a chance it will be rejected. Whenever I submit a Gifted and Talented project, there is a chance for me to fail. Even though there is a chance for failure, that does not hinder the tasks I must accomplish. If I fail, so be it. I will learn from the mistakes of my failure, and won’t let it discourage me. If I am afraid of failure, I will never try. If I never try, I never learn or grow as a person. If I never learn or grow as a person, my whole existence on the earth is questionable. I am not living, I am existing, no more, no less. If I never fail, then my limit never grow, and my ideals will stay painfully ignorant. As you can see, that one line has so much meaning, yet it is so small. The last line says “Be afraid NOT to try.” It basically warns the reader of your own doubt. Never doubt yourself on trying something new. No matter what, you will gain something from that new experience, and it may not be helpful at the time being, but it may help you in a way that’s unfathomable in the future. The sentence is a double negative, it says be afraid NOT to try. It’s the same thing as saying don’t be afraid to try. If you look at it in that sense, it seems a lot simpler to understand. This is basically another one of the variations of the previous sentence, since it eventually tells you to try something new, to learn, gain experience, and to just simply try, even if you fail. So, in conclusion, this small quote has a big meaning. It’s definitely something you should think about anytime you feel discouraged or something went wrong. You must never be afraid to fail and must always be willing to try.
Quotes have always inspired people. They always hold deep meaning to others. The quotes can be used to push through the hardest times or to start a new adventure. This is why many wise people say inspiring words to push us through. Such as, “Don’t be afraid to fail, Be afraid to not try.” This quote is the meaning of life. It is one such quote that really sums up life. I don’t mean it tells you what to do. Or, how to live your life. However, it gives you good perspective on how you should have a good existence. Many people are too afraid to fail in life. By that, they don’t want to start new things so they can’t fail them. They think this will bring them success in life however it really brings them the opposite in life. It brings them anxiety and depression. They are sad because they are frozen and can’t do anything. They are anxious because they want to do something and sometimes try to but go back to square 1 every single time. The reason why is because they don’t want to fail and embarrass themselves. I was like this for awhile. I wouldn’t do anything that I didn’t think I could do. Such as play certain video games, avoid sports, stay out of athletic things, and constantly put myself down so I don’t have to do things. Then I realized that I don’t have that much time to do everything I want. If I keep stalling I’m going to run out of time. Then I’m going to regret it. I won’t be able to do athletic feats all the way throughout my life so I should cherish the time I have now. So what if I can’t do it perfectly I should be able to have fun and not be upset about it. I feel that the quote is directly talking about that. It is blatantly talking about how you should be afraid of not trying. That is the biggest fear a man should have. With the fear of not trying in your heart you can accomplish a lot. It is good to be afraid of things you shouldn’t be accepting of. I mean that is just my perspective of the quote. Other people might have one too. That is what is so great about universal quotes. They apply to so many things and people. Thanks to thinking like what the quote said I try a lot more things now. I still put myself down a lot but I will get better with more confidence. So, I believe that we all need to “Not be afraid of failing, But be terrified of not trying!”
As Nithin said before, sometimes it doesn’t matter the length of the quote, but rather its meaning and the influence it has is more important. A quote maybe just a few words but if it has impacted you in some way, then I feel that the quote’s meaning is greater than its length. Throughout our entire lives, we come across many different quotes, most are similar to the previous one. Most of the time, they are all the same thing, a group of words passed down, from generation to generation, while others are picked up from movies and books. But, once in a while, we will find a quote that sticks in our head and stays with us forever. I feel that this quote “Don’t Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” has a deeper meaning than the ten words that make it up.
The first part, “Don’t be afraid to fail.” is important to me because throughout my life I always doubt myself and overthink a lot of the things that I do. I second guess myself and am afraid of failure. One of my biggest qualms is letting everyone down because I fail to accomplish something. Whether it is not doing as well as I expected on a test, or not fulfilling a promise to a good friend, I don’t want to fail. It’s important to be confident in what you do and say, because at the end of the day, we all make mistakes. It’s just a part of life. We all fail at something every day, like missing the winning shot in basketball, or forgetting to tie your shoelaces in the morning and falling or even having a fall out with your parents, these are little tasks that we may fail in every day. But if we learn from these mistakes, they can be experiences used to enhance our lifestyle and who we are as people. Mistakes only help us grow and become better people and as long as we see mistakes as an opportunity to improve ourselves, they can be a positive thing rather than negative, and we should try to see how much they actually help us in this life.
Moving past that, the second part of the quote advises us to be afraid of not trying. Rather than failure, our fear should be not being able to attempt anything. For fear is just a man-made concept, by constantly doubting ourselves, we generate more fear in ourselves, producing more things to be troubled by. Because after all, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and if you take some chances and do what you’re irresolute about doing, you might just accomplish something you didn’t know you could do. We should always try to do some of the things that we are afraid to do because they will give us more experience and we will learn from it. Even if in the end, we do not succeed in what we set out to do, we will have learned something and taken something away from that event. Occasionally, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. We may not always get where we had anticipated being, but we may have learned something supplementary and unforeseen from it. We become better people because of experiences that shape us in this world. We learn from the experiences that we go through as well as the people we meet. This further impacts who we become and how we see the world. Through our faults and flaws, we become better human beings and a greater asset to the society, therefore improving our world as a whole. To summarize, failure is part of life, just like winning. As life goes on, we learn that we win some and lose some. But if we lose, or fail rather, that should not fuel our fear to not attempt anything. We should not be afraid to try. Because of failing, people shouldn’t be afraid of trying and that is worse than failing.
We, as humans, can only do so much. Living in an ideal world, that would not have been a problem, but seeing as though we, and the society all around us is most definitely not ideal, we have no choice but to move on forward with our lives, continuing the daily motions of existing. The thing with humanity is, is that everything is interlaced. The decisions of a single human can have consequences that affect all of humanity for years to come. Whether you like it or not, there is still the irrefutable fact that the actions of our fellow man can, have and will continue on dictating our lives in ways that we did not even know were possible, nor would we have ever believed. Having that in mind, it makes you really think about all of the actions that you commit, and the consequences and rewards that come from all of them. This train of thought might daunt others, making them question all of the activities that they currently pursue, and the effects that these actions might have on the strangers that they do not know. It might scare them from doing what they had intended to do, deciding that it would be safer to stay put than to go out and experience these things for themselves. That was not the point of this train of thought. The objective was to point out how our actions affect others, therefore we should always put our greatest efforts into them, making them have the best effects possible, both for the person committing these actions, and for the people who those actions are affecting. “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid to NOT try.” I am not sure who was the first person to initially create this quite, but over my lifetime, I have heard a number of variations of it said to me. When reacting to this quote, I am going to be pulling references from my own life, seeing as that is what I know most about. Obviously. Currently, we are just existing. Unless we go and we push the boundaries of our minds and creativity until they are taunt we are simply existing in this world. We, as humans, cannot actually live our lives unless we have new experiences, we glean some information and grow wiser with the time we are allotted on Earth. Otherwise, we are only existing. To try is to grow. To grow is to live. To live is the only thing that can keep us sane when contemplating upon the unanswerable questions that life will surely present to us. When put like this, what daunts us as humans to try new things? The answer is actually quite simple really. The fear of the unknown, and the fear of failing. As humans, it is our nature to be competitive. It is how we survive. However, with competition, there is always a winner and loser, and no one wants to be known as the loser. Thus, we begin to resent our failures and shortcomings, scared of trying new activities that we might not be good at. Therefore, we stay in our comfort zones, surrounded by what is familiar and what we do best. But it cannot stay like that, not if a person actually wants to live. Humans, alas are not perfect, not in the least, and thus, to fail is to be human. The great thing about humans is that we are adaptable, able to learn from our mistakes. The mistakes that we make from failing sometimes. The way that I like to look at is this; if we fail and make a mistake, we learn from those mistakes, and know what not to do the next time around. If you look it at from that mindset, then you really never actually fail, you just learn a lesson. If we are so scared of failing that we shelter ourselves away from any new experiences, then we are not really living. We are not learning or thriving. We are simply stuck in the state that we are in, never moving forward because of our paralysis of committing an error. We have to be perfect at all times, or else we lose and are weak. However, the thing to remember is that we are all simply humans and that humans make mistakes. With that in mind, we should face every challenge head-on, make some mistakes, learn a lesson from those mistakes, and enjoy living the life that is so short on this planet
There are an overwhelming amount of quotes in the world, and many of them are written by famous athletes, or writers of different time periods. The quote, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” is no exception to this rule. Reading this quote, I can see that this is something that we should all go by everyday. To start off, I will talk about the first part of the quote, which is “Don’t Be Afraid to Fail.” We all as humans fail in our lives. It could be a test that we failed, or even failing to succeed in a goal we had set for ourselves. As humans, we cannot say that we have never failed at something, because then we would be perfect, and would not have learned anything over the years. We failed the first time when we were babies, and learning how to walk. We all fell down, and even hurt our baby selves sometimes, but we still got back up and tried again. Because we were not afraid to fail, we were able to bounce back and perfect the way of walking. When it comes to failing tests, we have all done this. Not being afraid to fail a test shows you that you are not perfect, and helps you to know that you will do better next time, and you know where you had gone wrong in the process. Failing is how we learn, and get better in life, so do not freak out when you fail! Remember that you are learning and becoming smarter every time you fail at something in life. Pick yourself up and TRY AGAIN! The last part of the quote states, “Be Afraid NOT to Try,” and I think that this is a great point. If we are afraid to try new things, how are we going to learn, and find other things that we are interested in? The answer is that we will not. An example is when our parents have told us to try a new food. If you do not try that new food, you may miss out on amazing tastes, and not be able to find other foods that are delicious. Even if you try it and do not like it, you are still opening your mind to other things, and exiting your comfort zone. If you think about it, we are trying new things everyday, like doing a different type of math problem, or completing a new assignment that you have never seen before. Do NOT stop yourself from trying other things because it is our of your comfort zone, because this is how you learn new things, and get used to other things in the world. You cannot live a complete life without trying new things, because the things you already kno may not help in other situations that come up in your life, or our lives. You never know. Maybe that new thing that you tried could help someone other than you. I personally see no harm in trying new things, and failing in things. How are you supposed to live a better life without being able to learn from your mistakes, and fix them to help yourself in the future? Just remember that if you fail to get back up and try again again, and to always try new things to expand your existing knowledge!
“Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” This quote is the perfect example of quality over quantity. I say this because although this quote is short in length, it still makes sense and inspires in just a few short words. Failure is the only way to learn from your mistakes and to bring your way to failure or even success, you must try to your highest capability in every task given. I can relate to this quote in full for multiple different reasons. Recently, my dance studio competed at our first competition in Voorhees, New Jersey. On that Friday evening, I performed my duet with my older sister along with my solo several hours later. After the almost 5 hours of waiting time, it was just about the time for my first time performing this solo on a stage or at a competition. I personally had no stress or pressure to win or do well. With that being said, I just went on the stage and performed without a care of winning or losing. When I stepped off the stage, I’ve never felt more confident in myself and the way I present myself when pursuing my passion. Later that night was the award ceremony for my solo and I sat on the staged awaiting the overall awards to see how the judges awarded each soloist. When it came down to the top three, I had no thoughts about it but then they proceeded to announce the awards. “And in second place… number 110 Infinite”. They called my number and I was in complete shock, I was so excited to receive that awards considering my experience of forgetfulness when originally learning my routine. Winning this award made me realize that even if there are little failures throughout the way, trying your hardest is what gives you the best results. If I hadn’t when on that stage in the first place, I never even would have had the chance to compete. I contemplated not doing my solo for a couple of weeks before the competition. Thank god that I decided not to though because if I had, I wouldn’t have done my best at competition. I wasn’t afraid to fail because if I didn’t, as I did, I wouldn’t have the confidence level that I have had in class for the past few days and for the next competition, which is next weekend. Now I’m terrified of not trying because if you don’t try, you will never know what the outcome will be. I kind of lived by this quote without even fully knowing about it, which is weird. Anyways, I always try my best at anything I do and when my best isn’t good enough and I don’t win or get chosen for something or do good on an assignment, I’m completely okay with it. Not because I didn’t succeed but because I failed. For if I didn’t fail, I would never learn some of the most important lessons I know of. In conclusion, I personally love trying my best and failing because I’m always going to learn something new, no matter what the result.
Quotes can be very inspirational things. A lot of them can help motivate and inspire people in many different ways. While a lot of quotes have similar meanings and ideas they all have different ways of putting that idea into words. Some quotes are long and lengthy while some are short, quick, and gets the point across out directly. One quote that is like the latter is, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” You will not find the person who came up with this quote anywhere but you will find a lot of articles and quotes that have a similar wording and meaning. There are also a lot of quotes said by unknown people or not too famous people and say really inspiring things. You don’t see those quotes floating around the internet and people repeating the quote to themselves or other people, though. However, it does not really matter who said it, the point of quotes like this one is to inspire people and motivate them as well. The first part of the quote says, “Don’t be afraid to fail.” Failure is pretty common amongst us as humans fail quite often. That might seem depressing but failure is a part of life. You can make it depressing by giving up on whatever you were trying to achieve. Instead of doing that you have to get back up and give it your all and try much more than how much you were trying before. This is like the quote from the blog for January 2017, where they were talking about how you should make mistakes. Mistakes and failure are kind of in the same boat. Both of the authors of these quotes talk about how you should be okay with failing and making mistakes. The thought and chance of failure should not make you afraid and not allow you to put in your best effort. If I fail, that does not matter, failing is a learning experience. You allow yourself to put in more effort and try harder and push your limits that you think are there. By pushing yourself you will become a better person that will do more in the world. For our science project, where we had to choose a topic and get it approved mine kept on getting rejected. Instead of hindering me it made me try harder to find a topic that would get approved and eventually I did find a topic and got it approved. The second part of the quote says, “Be afraid NOT to try.” This is pretty self-explanatory. It says that instead of being afraid to fail that you should be afraid to not try something. If you don’t try something you won’t learn and getting anything out of it. I can relate to that because I am a picky eater and I rarely try any new food. If I am offered to try something I never ate before I will most likely turn it down and not try it. I will not know if I actually like that kind of food or not because I was afraid to try it. This quote tells us that we should not be afraid to fail and try new things. That is how we learn things and improve ourselves in many different ways.
A recent quote I read relates to this quote and it brings many thoughts to my mind. The quote said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” My interpretation of this quote was, if you never try, you will never accomplish anything. Let us just think for a moment about how the famous Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. If he had never electrocuted himself the world today would be such an unfortunate place without LED lights, ceiling fans, televisions, computers, and what our generation's fears most… phonesI! Think about the loss we would have if Mr. Franklin had backed down from his experiment. There are so many more examples of how little ‘shots’ led to great successions. You may wonder, how exactly does this relate to the saying in the prompt? Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try. This means pretty much the same as the first quote but it is saying that trying and then failing is better than not trying at t all. For example I was a participant in the Spelling Bee. Although I did not win, at least I was in it. This is better than not being in the Bee at all. If I had not tried out for it, I would have never even made it this far! Not trying is by far much more worse than trying and then failing, because you know inside that atleast you gave it a chance. Let’s dissect the quote to try to understand it more. The first part says ‘Don’t be afraid to fail’ Many of us are afraid of failing because we feel as though have not accomplished something. When I fail a task, I feel empty inside, as if there is a missing piece within me. Sometimes failing can be as important as making a big mistake in your profession or as little as forgetting a pencil in your locker for class. Either way you have not completed a job and therefore, have failed. Nobody likes to fail but we all have done in some way, shape or form. In the end, knowing that you tried is all that matters. That would bring us to the next part of the quote which is ‘ Be afraid NOT to try’. Many of us, including me like to stay in our comfort zones more often than not. I do not like to venture much because I am afraid of failing, as the first part said. Without trying things, I would be able to find out what I am interested in and what things I am attracted to. In a different case, some people want to try new things, but they second-guess themselves and get scared. Doubting yourself is one of the easiest things to do. I am always told to stick with my guts but even though I sometimes tend to chicken out. In conclusion, the quote Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try means a lot to me and I can take away a lot from it.
There are many quotes that we all interpret that can have very different meanings to us. This quote, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” may have a different interpretation towards other people. We are all unique in some way that makes us such a diverse community. Quotes are simply a way for people to interpret words into their own meanings. It can encourage others to find a deeper meaning to life and influence them to bring the same message to others. If we all spread a positive and influential message to others, they will keep that and pass it on to others as well. There is a chain reaction to when meaningful messages are sent. It leaves people knowing more about life and how we need to use these messages in a positive way. Going back to the topic, quotes may have more of a meaning than what it is on the surface. We all can interpret it in some way and it can leave people with different meanings among one quote. For example, in our school many of the students here might have a different interpretation to the quote, “Never give up.” We all might have the same concept but the way you take in that information is the way you interpret it. This quote that we have here might be interpreted differently among the students here. Starting off with the first part of the quote, “Don’t Be Afraid to Fail,” it really gives us a basic meaning of what it means. You shouldn’t be afraid to fail because everyone makes mistakes. There is always a time where people make mistakes, it’s a natural thing for us to do. If mistakes weren’t made, there would be no changes to our community and to how we live our lives. Failing leads to mistakes which leads to change. When we fail at something whether it be a test in a class or letting down your parents in a tough situation, don’t be afraid to fail because that will just make us stronger in the end. Situations like these happen all the time, our failure helps us to accomplish our next goal and to strive for a better outcome in the end. We all fail and we all try to pick ourselves up where we last left off. Continuing your path from before will just make you stronger and confident about the outcome that will happen. Just remember not to be afraid to fail! The second half of the quote, “Be afraid NOT to try,” also gives us a deeper meaning to how it relates to our daily lives. We should never be afraid to try new things in our lives. Being spontaneous and trying out new adventures is always something that we should do. If we try new things, it benefits us in the future and it can have a great impact to how we are. In my opinion, I like trying out new things because we may never get the opportunity to do it again. My family and I are actually traveling back to the Philippines over the summer and I want to try a lot of new things when I’m there. Going on different adventures and seeking out to the most obvious places is something that I want to experience. Don’t be afraid to try new things in life because you might benefit from it and it will change your world completely. In conclusion, the quote, “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” has really an expressive meaning towards myself and others. We all need quotes like this to interpret so that we can find a deeper meaning within the world and within ourselves!
Many wise quotes have been reused throughout the generations of people. Quotes are nothing more than words people have spoken a in the past, a historic document preserved in written form after being transferred from the verbal form that the “author” of the quote spoke. Many quotes honestly have the exact same meanings, just in different phrasings or words. For example, if you copy and paste the quote online, you will find multiple websites with the same quote, or a similar quote with the same meaning. However, it’s quite rare to actually find the person who wrote this quote. This quote is another repetition of something quite commonly told by people all over the world, sometimes passed from teachers from students, or the elderly to the young. It’s a sort of motto passed from generations long ago, a motto a wise man lives by. Sure, the quote may be small, but the meaning of the quote is deep and can be interpreted in many ways.
ReplyDeleteThe first part of the quote says “Don’t be afraid to fail.” I can almost guarantee that 99.9% of people who will ever read this entry would have already heard this quote previously before, weather it be from a website, TV show, media, or someone in person, I’m sure they have heard a variation of this quote. Basically, the quote means to not be afraid. Who cares if you fail, you shouldn’t be afraid to try in the first place. Everything you do has a chance of failing. When I post this blog entry, there is a chance of me failing. When I submit my science project idea, there is a chance it will be rejected. Whenever I submit a Gifted and Talented project, there is a chance for me to fail. Even though there is a chance for failure, that does not hinder the tasks I must accomplish. If I fail, so be it. I will learn from the mistakes of my failure, and won’t let it discourage me. If I am afraid of failure, I will never try. If I never try, I never learn or grow as a person. If I never learn or grow as a person, my whole existence on the earth is questionable. I am not living, I am existing, no more, no less. If I never fail, then my limit never grow, and my ideals will stay painfully ignorant. As you can see, that one line has so much meaning, yet it is so small.
The last line says “Be afraid NOT to try.” It basically warns the reader of your own doubt. Never doubt yourself on trying something new. No matter what, you will gain something from that new experience, and it may not be helpful at the time being, but it may help you in a way that’s unfathomable in the future. The sentence is a double negative, it says be afraid NOT to try. It’s the same thing as saying don’t be afraid to try. If you look at it in that sense, it seems a lot simpler to understand. This is basically another one of the variations of the previous sentence, since it eventually tells you to try something new, to learn, gain experience, and to just simply try, even if you fail. So, in conclusion, this small quote has a big meaning. It’s definitely something you should think about anytime you feel discouraged or something went wrong. You must never be afraid to fail and must always be willing to try.
Quotes have always inspired people. They always hold deep meaning to others. The quotes can be used to push through the hardest times or to start a new adventure. This is why many wise people say inspiring words to push us through. Such as, “Don’t be afraid to fail, Be afraid to not try.” This quote is the meaning of life. It is one such quote that really sums up life. I don’t mean it tells you what to do. Or, how to live your life. However, it gives you good perspective on how you should have a good existence. Many people are too afraid to fail in life. By that, they don’t want to start new things so they can’t fail them. They think this will bring them success in life however it really brings them the opposite in life. It brings them anxiety and depression. They are sad because they are frozen and can’t do anything. They are anxious because they want to do something and sometimes try to but go back to square 1 every single time. The reason why is because they don’t want to fail and embarrass themselves. I was like this for awhile. I wouldn’t do anything that I didn’t think I could do. Such as play certain video games, avoid sports, stay out of athletic things, and constantly put myself down so I don’t have to do things. Then I realized that I don’t have that much time to do everything I want. If I keep stalling I’m going to run out of time. Then I’m going to regret it. I won’t be able to do athletic feats all the way throughout my life so I should cherish the time I have now. So what if I can’t do it perfectly I should be able to have fun and not be upset about it. I feel that the quote is directly talking about that. It is blatantly talking about how you should be afraid of not trying. That is the biggest fear a man should have. With the fear of not trying in your heart you can accomplish a lot. It is good to be afraid of things you shouldn’t be accepting of. I mean that is just my perspective of the quote. Other people might have one too. That is what is so great about universal quotes. They apply to so many things and people. Thanks to thinking like what the quote said I try a lot more things now. I still put myself down a lot but I will get better with more confidence. So, I believe that we all need to “Not be afraid of failing, But be terrified of not trying!”
ReplyDeleteAs Nithin said before, sometimes it doesn’t matter the length of the quote, but rather its meaning and the influence it has is more important. A quote maybe just a few words but if it has impacted you in some way, then I feel that the quote’s meaning is greater than its length. Throughout our entire lives, we come across many different quotes, most are similar to the previous one. Most of the time, they are all the same thing, a group of words passed down, from generation to generation, while others are picked up from movies and books. But, once in a while, we will find a quote that sticks in our head and stays with us forever. I feel that this quote “Don’t Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” has a deeper meaning than the ten words that make it up.
ReplyDeleteThe first part, “Don’t be afraid to fail.” is important to me because throughout my life I always doubt myself and overthink a lot of the things that I do. I second guess myself and am afraid of failure. One of my biggest qualms is letting everyone down because I fail to accomplish something. Whether it is not doing as well as I expected on a test, or not fulfilling a promise to a good friend, I don’t want to fail. It’s important to be confident in what you do and say, because at the end of the day, we all make mistakes. It’s just a part of life. We all fail at something every day, like missing the winning shot in basketball, or forgetting to tie your shoelaces in the morning and falling or even having a fall out with your parents, these are little tasks that we may fail in every day. But if we learn from these mistakes, they can be experiences used to enhance our lifestyle and who we are as people. Mistakes only help us grow and become better people and as long as we see mistakes as an opportunity to improve ourselves, they can be a positive thing rather than negative, and we should try to see how much they actually help us in this life.
Moving past that, the second part of the quote advises us to be afraid of not trying. Rather than failure, our fear should be not being able to attempt anything. For fear is just a man-made concept, by constantly doubting ourselves, we generate more fear in ourselves, producing more things to be troubled by. Because after all, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and if you take some chances and do what you’re irresolute about doing, you might just accomplish something you didn’t know you could do. We should always try to do some of the things that we are afraid to do because they will give us more experience and we will learn from it. Even if in the end, we do not succeed in what we set out to do, we will have learned something and taken something away from that event. Occasionally, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. We may not always get where we had anticipated being, but we may have learned something supplementary and unforeseen from it. We become better people because of experiences that shape us in this world. We learn from the experiences that we go through as well as the people we meet. This further impacts who we become and how we see the world. Through our faults and flaws, we become better human beings and a greater asset to the society, therefore improving our world as a whole. To summarize, failure is part of life, just like winning. As life goes on, we learn that we win some and lose some. But if we lose, or fail rather, that should not fuel our fear to not attempt anything. We should not be afraid to try. Because of failing, people shouldn’t be afraid of trying and that is worse than failing.
ReplyDeleteWe, as humans, can only do so much. Living in an ideal world, that would not have been a problem, but seeing as though we, and the society all around us is most definitely not ideal, we have no choice but to move on forward with our lives, continuing the daily motions of existing. The thing with humanity is, is that everything is interlaced. The decisions of a single human can have consequences that affect all of humanity for years to come. Whether you like it or not, there is still the irrefutable fact that the actions of our fellow man can, have and will continue on dictating our lives in ways that we did not even know were possible, nor would we have ever believed. Having that in mind, it makes you really think about all of the actions that you commit, and the consequences and rewards that come from all of them. This train of thought might daunt others, making them question all of the activities that they currently pursue, and the effects that these actions might have on the strangers that they do not know. It might scare them from doing what they had intended to do, deciding that it would be safer to stay put than to go out and experience these things for themselves. That was not the point of this train of thought. The objective was to point out how our actions affect others, therefore we should always put our greatest efforts into them, making them have the best effects possible, both for the person committing these actions, and for the people who those actions are affecting. “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid to NOT try.”
I am not sure who was the first person to initially create this quite, but over my lifetime, I have heard a number of variations of it said to me. When reacting to this quote, I am going to be pulling references from my own life, seeing as that is what I know most about. Obviously. Currently, we are just existing. Unless we go and we push the boundaries of our minds and creativity until they are taunt we are simply existing in this world. We, as humans, cannot actually live our lives unless we have new experiences, we glean some information and grow wiser with the time we are allotted on Earth. Otherwise, we are only existing. To try is to grow. To grow is to live. To live is the only thing that can keep us sane when contemplating upon the unanswerable questions that life will surely present to us. When put like this, what daunts us as humans to try new things? The answer is actually quite simple really. The fear of the unknown, and the fear of failing. As humans, it is our nature to be competitive. It is how we survive. However, with competition, there is always a winner and loser, and no one wants to be known as the loser. Thus, we begin to resent our failures and shortcomings, scared of trying new activities that we might not be good at. Therefore, we stay in our comfort zones, surrounded by what is familiar and what we do best. But it cannot stay like that, not if a person actually wants to live. Humans, alas are not perfect, not in the least, and thus, to fail is to be human. The great thing about humans is that we are adaptable, able to learn from our mistakes. The mistakes that we make from failing sometimes. The way that I like to look at is this; if we fail and make a mistake, we learn from those mistakes, and know what not to do the next time around. If you look it at from that mindset, then you really never actually fail, you just learn a lesson. If we are so scared of failing that we shelter ourselves away from any new experiences, then we are not really living. We are not learning or thriving. We are simply stuck in the state that we are in, never moving forward because of our paralysis of committing an error. We have to be perfect at all times, or else we lose and are weak. However, the thing to remember is that we are all simply humans and that humans make mistakes. With that in mind, we should face every challenge head-on, make some mistakes, learn a lesson from those mistakes, and enjoy living the life that is so short on this planet
There are an overwhelming amount of quotes in the world, and many of them are written by famous athletes, or writers of different time periods. The quote, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” is no exception to this rule. Reading this quote, I can see that this is something that we should all go by everyday.
ReplyDeleteTo start off, I will talk about the first part of the quote, which is “Don’t Be Afraid to Fail.” We all as humans fail in our lives. It could be a test that we failed, or even failing to succeed in a goal we had set for ourselves. As humans, we cannot say that we have never failed at something, because then we would be perfect, and would not have learned anything over the years. We failed the first time when we were babies, and learning how to walk. We all fell down, and even hurt our baby selves sometimes, but we still got back up and tried again. Because we were not afraid to fail, we were able to bounce back and perfect the way of walking. When it comes to failing tests, we have all done this. Not being afraid to fail a test shows you that you are not perfect, and helps you to know that you will do better next time, and you know where you had gone wrong in the process. Failing is how we learn, and get better in life, so do not freak out when you fail! Remember that you are learning and becoming smarter every time you fail at something in life. Pick yourself up and TRY AGAIN!
The last part of the quote states, “Be Afraid NOT to Try,” and I think that this is a great point. If we are afraid to try new things, how are we going to learn, and find other things that we are interested in? The answer is that we will not. An example is when our parents have told us to try a new food. If you do not try that new food, you may miss out on amazing tastes, and not be able to find other foods that are delicious. Even if you try it and do not like it, you are still opening your mind to other things, and exiting your comfort zone. If you think about it, we are trying new things everyday, like doing a different type of math problem, or completing a new assignment that you have never seen before. Do NOT stop yourself from trying other things because it is our of your comfort zone, because this is how you learn new things, and get used to other things in the world. You cannot live a complete life without trying new things, because the things you already kno may not help in other situations that come up in your life, or our lives. You never know. Maybe that new thing that you tried could help someone other than you.
I personally see no harm in trying new things, and failing in things. How are you supposed to live a better life without being able to learn from your mistakes, and fix them to help yourself in the future? Just remember that if you fail to get back up and try again again, and to always try new things to expand your existing knowledge!
“Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” This quote is the perfect example of quality over quantity. I say this because although this quote is short in length, it still makes sense and inspires in just a few short words. Failure is the only way to learn from your mistakes and to bring your way to failure or even success, you must try to your highest capability in every task given. I can relate to this quote in full for multiple different reasons. Recently, my dance studio competed at our first competition in Voorhees, New Jersey. On that Friday evening, I performed my duet with my older sister along with my solo several hours later. After the almost 5 hours of waiting time, it was just about the time for my first time performing this solo on a stage or at a competition. I personally had no stress or pressure to win or do well. With that being said, I just went on the stage and performed without a care of winning or losing. When I stepped off the stage, I’ve never felt more confident in myself and the way I present myself when pursuing my passion. Later that night was the award ceremony for my solo and I sat on the staged awaiting the overall awards to see how the judges awarded each soloist. When it came down to the top three, I had no thoughts about it but then they proceeded to announce the awards. “And in second place… number 110 Infinite”. They called my number and I was in complete shock, I was so excited to receive that awards considering my experience of forgetfulness when originally learning my routine. Winning this award made me realize that even if there are little failures throughout the way, trying your hardest is what gives you the best results. If I hadn’t when on that stage in the first place, I never even would have had the chance to compete. I contemplated not doing my solo for a couple of weeks before the competition. Thank god that I decided not to though because if I had, I wouldn’t have done my best at competition. I wasn’t afraid to fail because if I didn’t, as I did, I wouldn’t have the confidence level that I have had in class for the past few days and for the next competition, which is next weekend. Now I’m terrified of not trying because if you don’t try, you will never know what the outcome will be. I kind of lived by this quote without even fully knowing about it, which is weird. Anyways, I always try my best at anything I do and when my best isn’t good enough and I don’t win or get chosen for something or do good on an assignment, I’m completely okay with it. Not because I didn’t succeed but because I failed. For if I didn’t fail, I would never learn some of the most important lessons I know of. In conclusion, I personally love trying my best and failing because I’m always going to learn something new, no matter what the result.
ReplyDeleteQuotes can be very inspirational things. A lot of them can help motivate and inspire people in many different ways. While a lot of quotes have similar meanings and ideas they all have different ways of putting that idea into words. Some quotes are long and lengthy while some are short, quick, and gets the point across out directly. One quote that is like the latter is, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” You will not find the person who came up with this quote anywhere but you will find a lot of articles and quotes that have a similar wording and meaning. There are also a lot of quotes said by unknown people or not too famous people and say really inspiring things. You don’t see those quotes floating around the internet and people repeating the quote to themselves or other people, though. However, it does not really matter who said it, the point of quotes like this one is to inspire people and motivate them as well.
ReplyDeleteThe first part of the quote says, “Don’t be afraid to fail.” Failure is pretty common amongst us as humans fail quite often. That might seem depressing but failure is a part of life. You can make it depressing by giving up on whatever you were trying to achieve. Instead of doing that you have to get back up and give it your all and try much more than how much you were trying before. This is like the quote from the blog for January 2017, where they were talking about how you should make mistakes. Mistakes and failure are kind of in the same boat. Both of the authors of these quotes talk about how you should be okay with failing and making mistakes. The thought and chance of failure should not make you afraid and not allow you to put in your best effort. If I fail, that does not matter, failing is a learning experience. You allow yourself to put in more effort and try harder and push your limits that you think are there. By pushing yourself you will become a better person that will do more in the world. For our science project, where we had to choose a topic and get it approved mine kept on getting rejected. Instead of hindering me it made me try harder to find a topic that would get approved and eventually I did find a topic and got it approved.
The second part of the quote says, “Be afraid NOT to try.” This is pretty self-explanatory. It says that instead of being afraid to fail that you should be afraid to not try something. If you don’t try something you won’t learn and getting anything out of it. I can relate to that because I am a picky eater and I rarely try any new food. If I am offered to try something I never ate before I will most likely turn it down and not try it. I will not know if I actually like that kind of food or not because I was afraid to try it.
This quote tells us that we should not be afraid to fail and try new things. That is how we learn things and improve ourselves in many different ways.
ReplyDeleteA recent quote I read relates to this quote and it brings many thoughts to my mind. The quote said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” My interpretation of this quote was, if you never try, you will never accomplish anything. Let us just think for a moment about how the famous Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. If he had never electrocuted himself the world today would be such an unfortunate place without LED lights, ceiling fans, televisions, computers, and what our generation's fears most… phonesI! Think about the loss we would have if Mr. Franklin had backed down from his experiment. There are so many more examples of how little ‘shots’ led to great successions. You may wonder, how exactly does this relate to the saying in the prompt? Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try. This means pretty much the same as the first quote but it is saying that trying and then failing is better than not trying at t all. For example I was a participant in the Spelling Bee. Although I did not win, at least I was in it. This is better than not being in the Bee at all. If I had not tried out for it, I would have never even made it this far! Not trying is by far much more worse than trying and then failing, because you know inside that atleast you gave it a chance. Let’s dissect the quote to try to understand it more. The first part says ‘Don’t be afraid to fail’ Many of us are afraid of failing because we feel as though have not accomplished something. When I fail a task, I feel empty inside, as if there is a missing piece within me. Sometimes failing can be as important as making a big mistake in your profession or as little as forgetting a pencil in your locker for class. Either way you have not completed a job and therefore, have failed. Nobody likes to fail but we all have done in some way, shape or form. In the end, knowing that you tried is all that matters. That would bring us to the next part of the quote which is ‘ Be afraid NOT to try’. Many of us, including me like to stay in our comfort zones more often than not. I do not like to venture much because I am afraid of failing, as the first part said. Without trying things, I would be able to find out what I am interested in and what things I am attracted to. In a different case, some people want to try new things, but they second-guess themselves and get scared. Doubting yourself is one of the easiest things to do. I am always told to stick with my guts but even though I sometimes tend to chicken out. In conclusion, the quote Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try means a lot to me and I can take away a lot from it.
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ReplyDeleteThere are many quotes that we all interpret that can have very different meanings to us. This quote, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” may have a different interpretation towards other people. We are all unique in some way that makes us such a diverse community. Quotes are simply a way for people to interpret words into their own meanings. It can encourage others to find a deeper meaning to life and influence them to bring the same message to others. If we all spread a positive and influential message to others, they will keep that and pass it on to others as well. There is a chain reaction to when meaningful messages are sent. It leaves people knowing more about life and how we need to use these messages in a positive way. Going back to the topic, quotes may have more of a meaning than what it is on the surface. We all can interpret it in some way and it can leave people with different meanings among one quote. For example, in our school many of the students here might have a different interpretation to the quote, “Never give up.” We all might have the same concept but the way you take in that information is the way you interpret it. This quote that we have here might be interpreted differently among the students here.
ReplyDeleteStarting off with the first part of the quote, “Don’t Be Afraid to Fail,” it really gives us a basic meaning of what it means. You shouldn’t be afraid to fail because everyone makes mistakes. There is always a time where people make mistakes, it’s a natural thing for us to do. If mistakes weren’t made, there would be no changes to our community and to how we live our lives. Failing leads to mistakes which leads to change. When we fail at something whether it be a test in a class or letting down your parents in a tough situation, don’t be afraid to fail because that will just make us stronger in the end. Situations like these happen all the time, our failure helps us to accomplish our next goal and to strive for a better outcome in the end. We all fail and we all try to pick ourselves up where we last left off. Continuing your path from before will just make you stronger and confident about the outcome that will happen. Just remember not to be afraid to fail!
The second half of the quote, “Be afraid NOT to try,” also gives us a deeper meaning to how it relates to our daily lives. We should never be afraid to try new things in our lives. Being spontaneous and trying out new adventures is always something that we should do. If we try new things, it benefits us in the future and it can have a great impact to how we are. In my opinion, I like trying out new things because we may never get the opportunity to do it again. My family and I are actually traveling back to the Philippines over the summer and I want to try a lot of new things when I’m there. Going on different adventures and seeking out to the most obvious places is something that I want to experience. Don’t be afraid to try new things in life because you might benefit from it and it will change your world completely. In conclusion, the quote, “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” has really an expressive meaning towards myself and others. We all need quotes like this to interpret so that we can find a deeper meaning within the world and within ourselves!