Neil Gaiman, the author of Coraline and The Graveyard Book , as well as many other books, wrote:
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.
And for this year, my wish for each of us is small and very simple.
And it's this.
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.
Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.
So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.
Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.
Make your mistakes, next year and forever.
Please REACT to this quote at length, in your BLOG post this month!
Every year is a new chance to begin. There is always promise towards setting new goals, and achieving old ones. Magical moments, and madness is sure to be involved. It is always exciting turning over the page of a year. You get to try new things and make new mistakes. It is always important to keep trudging forward and not to look back. The quote talked about in the assignment describes this vibrantly. It speaks about a person wishing for a great year for another person. A year filled with magic, and madness. By this they mean magical moments that last a lifetime, and mad moments that make you laugh. I think this is a great quote and is really important. In times, especially right now, the country needs magic. The country needs madness. What I mean by this is politics at this moment are tearing many people and children apart. They’re fighting and argueing with each other. I try to stay neutral, so I don’t get caught in the fighting. So around this time of the new year I feel we need to take a breath of fresh air and stop making the same mistakes that were made and make new ones. We need to venture into new territory and give politician who we’ve never seen before like Trump a chance. We are in a turning point in our country. It could be bad, or it could be good. It all depends on what people do. Which is why I feel that Neil Gaiman is on the right track. Maybe the answer is love. There might not be enough of it in the world right now. Or, the answer could be something that nobody's ever thought of. Ms. Mandell said that we need to not stop and keep going. We need to make mistakes never made before. So, I believe we need to move on to a solution beyond any idea or thought. That might make mistakes, but it will make the right mistakes. Mistakes never done aren’t a waste because it adds to the whole body of knowledge the world has. Which is why U.S needs to continue moving forward and trust our politicians and believe in ourselves. I know it sounds corny and copied off of a cereal box. But, it works in real life. So I think this quote is a great example of how the U.S can move forward and it will still be the best country ever!
ReplyDeleteNeil Gaiman is one of my favorite author and I respect all of his incredible novels. I read The Graveyard Book in 5th grade, after I received it as a gift, and I have reread it many times. It is one of my all time favorite books and I would love to actually meet Neil Gaiman one day and talk to him. I have also read his book, Coraline, and I liked that book as well. It was an interesting idea to pursue and had an interesting plot twist as well. Honestly, Neil Gaiman an inspirational author and I think I would love to become an author like him one day, or at least publish a book as good or as better as a book Neil Gaiman has published.
ReplyDeleteThis quote by Neil Gaiman seems to have a very deep meaning indeed. In the first paragraph, when he says, “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself,” he speaks about dreams. He’s telling people to follow them, find and accomplish your dream, no matter how “mad” or crazy others think your dream is. He hopes you stay creative, by drawing or reading, or whatever you find inspiring, which is what he conveys in his second sentence. He also reminds us that life can be unexpected some times, which is what he says in the last sentence, “I hope you surprise yourself.”
The second paragraph says, “And almost half a decade ago I said, ...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.” In the first sentence, he speaks of dreams, how no dream is to dangerous, no dream is to be belittled, and no dream should ever be forgotten. If you do that, you will be rewarded for your faith and courage in what you seek in your dreams for the future. He also speaks of wisdom and kindness, and he may have not included all of your feelings, but he means that there is a time for everything. A time to work, a time to play, a time for wisdom, and a time for kindness.A time to be angry and a time to be sad, there is a proper time for everything, so you shouldn’t hold your feelings in.
The third paragraph is “And for this year, my wish for each of us is small and very simple. And it's this. I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.” In this paragraph, he speaks of his wish for everyone. He shares that he wishes that everyone makes mistakes. This is something said quite often, but she shares that he thinks that if you make a mistake, you're trying something new, you're pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing the world. Making mistakes is the whole point in learning and it is the whole point of your very being. Without mistakes, you're not living life, you are just existing, for no purpose and no point.
To be Continued ...
ReplyDeleteHe concludes his quote by saying “So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” He says that make mistakes, mistakes no one has made before. He says do not regret anything, don’t stop, and don’t ever think anything you do isn’t good enough or horrible, whether it be related to art, love, family, or life in general. Life is too short to regret, and everything happens for a reason, so don’t regret and don’t fear. The bad times will eventually pass, but the good times will too. So never be afraid to do what it is you are doing. Make your mistakes and learn from them, no matter your age and no matter where and when. This is what Neil Gaiman tells to us in his quote and this is my interpretation of it.
I personally love the works of Neil Gaiman. I have grown up reading Coraline and The Graveyard Book. At first, I was skeptical about his writing, but, as time went by and I matured, I realized that I loved the stories and books that he has published. He has actually been a great inspiration to me when I have been writing my own short stories and poetry, sort of giving me a base to fall back upon. Neil Gaiman has been one of my favorite authors for quite some time now, and I have now found that doing this blog, I enjoy his way of putting life into retrospect.
ReplyDeleteI am a person by nature, who, does not usually take unprecedented risks when it comes to my feelings towards other people. Sure, I am a bit spontaneous when it comes to certain things, such as travel and such, but when it comes to feelings, I usually try and keep all of them to myself. I push myself to try and do everything that I do to the absolute best of my ability, beating myself up if I cannot make whatever I am doing perfect. I realize that I have trouble opening up to people about my intimate emotions and I also have trouble admitting when I need help. I have this irrational notion that if I allow anyone to help me with anything, then I would be admitting defeat, admitting that I am not good enough to do something. Same thing with my feelings. I feel as if, when talking about my emotions, I am opening up and saying that I am vulnerable and unable to deal with life. I absolutely hate that feeling of vulnerability and openness that I present to anyone when talking about my personal feelings, which is why I never do so. Also, whenever you talk to anyone about your personal feelings with someone, not matter who that person is or what those feelings are, they could always be used against you in some way. I suppose I am just paranoid about someone having that sort of leverage over me and my life.
Now that you have some background information about who I am as a person, and how I think, I can now sufficiently respond to this quote. This quote is one that I quite like, despite it going against everything that I have just explained about myself. But, you know what? Maybe it is time for me to change my outlook on life and its possibilities. Currently, I honestly feel apathetic about my life. I am in a comfortable position, but I do not think that I am actually living. It sometimes feel as if I am a stranger inside my own skin, and it is suffocating me. I go around my day walking as if I am half-asleep, both my mind and my eyes covered by a sort of misty haze that I cannot seem to rid myself of, no matter how hard I try to awaken. But, maybe this is my wake up call. 2016 was not at all a pleasant year for me in the slightest, but I think that I want to change my fate this year. I want to be free, free to make mistakes and not feel guilty for them, but to learn from them, and keep those lessons with me throughout my entire life. I have spent my fourteen years sitting in this apathetic haze, but this year, I am going to clear the mist. I will stop just observing other living their lives, and actually live my own. Surely, I will learn from the mistakes that I observe others making, as well as my own, and I will not make those same mistakes twice, But, I want to make mistakes, because it is true. Making mistakes is what lets you know that you are alive, that you are learning things that you never even thought were possible before. The mistakes that you make in your lifetime are just reminders that you are living to your fullest potential, and that is what I hope to start doing in the near future. I just want to end this blog with a quote from author Oscar Wilde. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” I do not know about you, but I want to live.
oh yes, me too. Living is everything!
DeleteNeil Gaiman is a very remarkable author to say the least. He has written books which have become amazing movies. I have read The Graveyard book, and I have watched the movie of Coraline. He has impressed me with his thoughtfulness and creativity. His genre of writing is something that not a lot of authors can pull off, but every time he writes a book, it is a bestseller.
ReplyDeleteThe quote that Neil Gaiman has said is fairly straightforward, but has a very deep meaning. I think that this quote has something for everyone, and states out the importance of certain principles in our life.
He starts out by saying, “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” What he means by this is that we have targets that we want to achieve. When we set these types of goals, there will always be people who will say that your goals are mad, and that what you are trying to achieve is impossible to achieve. He is motivating us to achieve what we want no matter how crazy others may say it is. He is also saying for us to get creative. I have seen far too many times that we only talk about factual things. We need to get laid back, and think creative-creativeness is what will help us perform better is our factual things and help us maintain good health. He concludes by saying that we have to do what we think we will not be able to achieve. We have the ability to do everything, and if we put our mind to it, we can actually surprise ourselves.
He goes on explaining what he said a half decade ago “...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.” He again emphasizes that thought that no dream is too big. An accurate example of this would be the dream of the Wright Brothers. They believed that one day, humans will be able to fly just like birds do. This dream was called outrageous, impossible, and all sorts of words which would would make some ashamed of this idea. The Wright brothers did not bother with those comments and just kept going. It was because of their determination that we can fly on a plane today. He finish off by a comment which I think relates to us right now. Many people are right now talking about the election and the controversial president that we have. It is now, that we have to know how to keep our mouth shut, and let matters simmer down. This is a time when the wise know that it is important to stay calm, give someone a chance, and stay kind to one another no matter what the political opinion is.
DeleteHe concluded by writing. “And for this year, my wish for each of us is small and very simple. And it's this. I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something. So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” In this paragraph, the thing that caught my attention the most was the fact that he said that we all have to make mistakes. I think that that is the most important thing that someone has ever said. This is so important that we all have to do. In our society today, I think that mistakes are very important. When we make mistakes we learn from them, and we progress forward. Without them, we would see no fault in ourselves and we would become vain.
In conclusion, the highlights of the quote were that we all are not perfect and we need to make mistakes in order to become successful. It is also important to dream, because dreams is what will help us achieve our target, and we will all be successful and an important part of the community.
ReplyDeleteThis month, we had to react to a quote that I think has an amazing message. I always love reading new quotes, and learning new things from them, and I think that this quote was one of the most relatable ones I have ever read. These days, many people do not want to think about the good the future could bring, and are only worried about the present. To read this quote, and to open my eyes about how important it is to read a good book, or think about what amazing things you will do in the next few years. Another thing that I learned from the quote is that we need to think about how the small things make us feel sometimes. We need to think about how amazing the last book we read once, or a first kiss we had. We need to put ourselves out there sometimes, and do things that make us happy, or learn something new once in awhile. For me, I never give myself a chance to admire the things around me, and that is what can be the difference between a good life, and an amazing life.
As I began to read the middle of the poem is also talked about how we need to make of something that we did not know existed, or do something that makes you wise, and a kind person. With all of this hatred in the world, these are two things we really need from everyone. If we all just do something that we never thought we could do, it would be so much more peaceful in the world around us. We could do a trick in dance that we could never do, or stick up to a bully we never thought we could face. These are just a few things that could change how we feel.
Furthermore, as you read farther into the quote, it begins to talk about mistakes. Every single human being makes mistakes, whether you like it or not. Every single day we make mistakes, whether it is what we say to someone, or what answer we put down on a quiz. No matter how we live, we are always going to make mistakes, but it is how we benefit or learn from those mistakes that matter. When you make mistakes, you are learning how to become a better person, you are learning, pushing yourself, and you can change the world and other people. Mistakes are what separate you from being someone who does nothing, and being someone who makes a huge difference in our world today. This part of the quote was my favorite, and that was a reason why. This quote is telling us that there is nothing bad about making mistakes, and that there is always a way you can turn your mistakes into something positive for everyone. I will definitely not forget this quote, and will try to remember whenever I make a mistake, or am having a bad day because this quote can remind us of the good in life.
Neil Gaiman strikes me as a person who may seem extremely straightforward, but has a lot of philosophical hidden meanings in his words. Especially after taking this quote into consideration, I feel that expressing your thoughts is important in today’s world because sometimes we don’t realize things until we say them out loud. Quotes have a similar impact, where you may not completely comprehend or adhere to something until you listen to someone else saying it. There are very few people in this world who listen to me ramble about my deep thoughts and who actively engage in thought-provoking conversations with me. Many times, we go through the motions of life, not realizing exactly what we’re doing, or putting too much thought into the things we do every day. I agree with everything said in the above quote and here are few of the things I feel are most important.
ReplyDeleteInitially, my biggest fear in life is that I won’t be able to leave something behind when I’m gone or that I won’t be able to make something of myself. The thing is that I never want to be forgotten and this quote has helped me to appease my anxiety about it. I want to be remembered even after I leave this world and the quote above reminds me that there is still so much left for me to do. Even though, death might seem like a scary topic, I feel it could be a motivation for you to do something with your life. It certainly proves to be a reminder to me, of how I want to live my life. I know that I’m young and that I, hopefully, have many years ahead of me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have things I want to do in the future. I want to have a few of the best experiences of my lifetime. I want to be reckless once in a while, go on midnight adventures with friends and dance outside in the pouring rain. Maybe I want to do something crazy, like bungee jump off a bridge or train to be a tightrope walker. Maybe travel around the world and get my own book published. I don’t know exactly what I want to do, but, the main point I’m trying to make is I want to have a life worth remembering when I get older. I want to try new things, have great experiences and most of all have memories worth sharing.
Adding on to that, as for making mistakes, I feel that making mistakes and slipping up sometimes is part of discovering who you are. Although our teenage years may seem miserable with the acne, social cliques and drama going through all of us, I feel that it is also a time when we begin to ascertain who we are as people and who we want to become. The events you go through and the people you meet shape who you grow into. Making mistakes is a huge part of that, because they help you grow and evolve. I know that I constantly make errors, and this quote doesn’t make me feel too ashamed about them.
Comparatively, I remember something from a TV show that really stuck out to me and applies to this quote, as it shows how people in our day and age make most of our mistakes. A teacher asks her class while reading the famous Jane Austen novel, “What is the most important word in the title Sense and Sensibility?” One student answers “sense” and the other “sensibility” but both answers were wrong. Finally, another student answers “and”, saying that you need to use both your head and your heart. Sense is important because you are ruled by your brain and you need to think before doing anything. Sensibility is equally as important because you must follow your heart and your passions in life. But, to lead a life that you are proud of you must have a balance of both. This is where I make most of my mistakes, either I follow my emotions or I follow my brain, and many times this complicates things. As I grow older, I want to learn how to use both equally.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, mistakes are important to continue to grow, learn and evolve as a person as well as trying new things. I believe that everything happens for a reason in this life. When something bad happens, it may lead to something better in the future. When something doesn’t turn out a certain way, maybe it wasn’t meant to happen. I believe that what happens is a part of life and this quote further supports my thoughts. This is because we learn to live and be who we want to be not on anybody else’s accord. I try to make myself understand that I can’t change the past, but maybe I can rewrite the anticipated years depending on what I do. I hope that I can learn from my past experiences and become a better person. Here in the quote he’s telling us to live our lives and surprise ourselves by doing things that we have always wanted to do.
Even though, January is almost over, signaling the half-way point of the school year, I want to become a better person and a better friend. The quote displayed above, has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone, and do things I never thought I could. Just so far this year, I’ve done a lot of things I didn’t think I could and that most people wouldn’t even have the courage to do. This quote has made me realize that we only have so much time left and that we should make it the best that we can. I want to be more kind and do whatever I can to make the world a better place. I want to make this year one of the best ones of my life and one of the most memorable. I will definitely retain all of these words of wisdom in my head while going through this year and try to make the most of it!
January is considered to be a time of new beginnings. You leave the old year behind and you try to make yourself better. You might want to try new things, go to new places, or learn something new. That is all to make sure that you have a successful year. I think that quote from the author of one of my favorite books like The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman, really captivates on what everyone hopes their year will be like. There is a lot of madness and magic in everyone’s year. The other half of the quote in the first paragraph talks pretty much about dreams, hopes, and wishes. I think that he is trying to say is that we should follow our dreams and try as hard as we can to achieve that goal. Like reading a lot of books or really anything that you want to achieve and work towards during this year. We should try to make those dreams reality even if they seem crazy or not possible. In the same paragraph he also says that you should be inspired and creative by doing things like writing and drawing. He also says that you should be yourself and not try to be someone else. You are your own person and that you have your own unique way on how you think. He then says “And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” I think that he is trying to say that you should be able to surprise yourself by doing things that you think you could not do and things you could not even imagine. In the second paragraph he again talks about dreams. He said that you should dream big and out of the box and dream of things unimaginable. He then talks about kindness and wisdom. He also says that there is not enough of that in the world at that time and that is obviously still true today. There is a time to use your wisdom and there is a time when you don’t. I think he is trying to say that you should not use your wisdom for things that do not need it like being mean to someone or making a snide remark. But, you should always show kindness and be kind to everyone. Being kind to someone is the best way to make a person feel better and is just a good thing to do in general even to a person who you may not particularly like. In the third paragraph he is talking about mistakes. When people think of mistakes it is generally a bad thing, but it really is not. If you make mistakes you know that you are trying new things and pushing and trying to change yourself. If you don’t make mistakes you are not trying hard enough to push yourself. Like if you are doing something like archery and just trying to make it hit the target and that it is good enough, you are making a mistake. You have to push yourself and maybe try to get it around the center all the time. If you are not getting it all the time and making mistakes you know you are pushing yourself hard enough. In the last paragraph he is saying that you should not try to be a perfectionist. If you make a mistake you should not dwell on it and stop and worry about it, keep on pushing forward and try to fix it and come up with a solution. If you are scared of doing something, you should just go for it and try your best. If you do not try it you will never experience it. If you don’t make mistakes you do not actually learn and living life to the fullest, that is what I think Neil Gaiman is trying to convey to us.
ReplyDeleteNeil Gaiman, the author of two of books that I love, Coraline, and Batman: Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? He has written amazing novels, novellas, comic books and so much more, including some really inspirational quotes. These quotes in the prompt are so relatable and unlike many other quotes are understandable. While reading it, I was able to make connections and reflect to times in my life that related to the quote. Each part in the quotes connected with me and made me think about my life.
The first part in the quote was about what your future holds, or what you should want it hold. He basically was saying to make your upcoming life fun, make it surprising, make it worth it! He said “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness.” The first sentence of the quote, to me, meant that he hoped for the betterment of everyone. New Years mean new starts, a clean slate, as many like to say. No matter what has happened in the past, everyone should forget about it, and focus on making their upcoming year better, and positive. That was the first paragraph in the quote was about.
The second part in the quote that Neil Gaiman said was about something that he said 5 years ago. Once again he hoped everybody has a great year. He says to ‘dream outrageously’ which in my opinion means to take risks and go out of your comfort zone once in awhile. He says that hopes we create something new that never existed before and that we are loved and love others too.This part especially related to me because I like trying new things a lot, and experimenting with things. The last sentence in the second part was about kindness. Although he said this 5 years ago, I think the could ALWAYS use a little bit more of kindness. Especially right now because of the new president. I will not go into that detail here, but we all know what I am talking about. That was the second paragraph of the quote by Neil Gaiman.
The last part in the quote was about making mistakes.He said all of this part this year, and it started off very similar to the other three. He told us what we should do this year. Gaiman wants us to make mistakes so that we can learn from them. I agree with him when he says that making mistakes shows your putting effort into something, that you are trying something new, that you are doing something at all, in fact. If we all got everything right on our first tries, we would not learn anything new, and we would not strive for anything. We should continue to make new mistakes, each time we try to do something new. We should not be afraid to make mistakes because that will prevent you from putting your best efforts into something. In general, this extended quote was very inspirational, and very touching. I had really fun time reflecting on this because I was able to take in what it said, and digest it properly.
There is always a time for change and new beginnings to start again. January is the start of the new year and it can greatly impact the way you see things in life. As the author of Coraline and The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman is a very important author who describes his persona in a different way. His creative ability to catch the reader’s attention helps the reader understand what he wants them to know. Neil Gaiman’s thoughtful details and inspirational quotes help him become one of the best authors that there will ever be. Readers can interpret his writing in a vast majority of ways and it can influence many of them to do the same.
ReplyDeleteOne of the first quotes that he described stated that the upcoming year would be filled with magic, dreams and good madness. You also need to surprise yourself in situations that might not have happened before. Everyone in their lives need a sprinkle of magic to motivate them to do new things in the upcoming year. You don’t want to be the same old you when January comes back along. Starting a new beginning is the best because you can clear off the problems that you had before and start all over again. Dreaming is also a great thing to do in the upcoming year because if you don’t dream it you won’t have the motivation to do it at all. One of my dreams is to travel around the world with the people I love. My family fulfilled that dream of mine because right after school ends we are headed off to the Philippines. 2017 is going to be a great year for me to explore the new adventures I have ahead of me. Going along with surprising yourself in different situations, spontaneous occurrences are always the best because you will never know the reaction that will come out of it. Those spontaneous adventures can lead you to being happy in life or you can be the same person you were before. From what I know now, surprise and dreaming to an extent is the best way to live out the new year!
Neil Gaiman writing the second quote half a decade ago concludes that there needs to be more kindness and wisdom in our world. We need to be wise and kind to the people surrounding us because we never know what they might be going through at a later time. I am one to say that our world has gone through many troubles throughout the years. All of the hardships that we go through have an impact to who we are today as a whole community or society. Our wisdom in our world helps us make hard choices that we might regret in the future. As a society, we need to be open-minded and take other people’s opinions into consideration. Without the diversity in our opinions, our world would be a really different place. Kindness is also a big portion of what we need to improve in our world. If we all spread positive vibes to each other and the others spread it to other people, our world could live with kindness in their hearts. As I said before, we may not know the hardships that individuals might be facing but as a whole community we can change the way we look at life by just one step. If we all take that one step, either telling someone to smile or giving out a compliment, we can change the world in a whole different way.
The last quote that Neil Gaiman writes describes that we should all make mistakes and accept the outcome of it. Without mistakes, we would never learn what to do in a dire situation. As being clique as it is, everyone makes mistakes and we can all learn from our mistakes to become a better person. Don’t be afraid to do something you haven’t done before, it will benefit you in the future and it can change the person you are. If you try something new, then that’s great. Living life to the fullest is the best because you never know what the outcome will be. That’s the thrill of trying something new. You never know what you’re going to get!
DeleteIn conclusion, I think that the new year will bring many new things to our society and our world. We may not know it yet but it will have a great impact to the people we are today. Neil Gaiman made his point very clear and that’s why he is such a great author. His quotes give a lot of inspiration to the reader and it can make you think about life a little deeper. From what I know now is that I should live life to the fullest because you never know what might happen in the future. We should all take spontaneous adventures throughout our live because the thrill of it will change you forever!
Great ideas, people. I'm so glad that the quote had such meaning for you!